Little Boxes of Joy
The Youth Advisory Board wanted to help those who have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. So they created the Little Box of Joy Project. They are going to be sending out care packages to our 2020 Graduates as well as places that could use a little extra help.
Our Youth Advisory Board’s “Little Box of Joy” project selected Women’s Advocates, the first shelter in the country for women and their children escaping domestic violence, and the Walk in Counseling Center, the only free walk-in mental health counseling service in the world staffed entirely by volunteer clinicians, to donate goods that are especially in need during the pandemic. 🌟 The YAB chose these two groups because of their efforts to lift up women and children. Donations to Women’s Advocates included toilet paper, kleenex, latex gloves, face masks, hand soap, and hand sanitizer and they provided a monetary donation to the Walk in Counseling Center! Way to go girls!! We are so grateful that Minnesota has access to these amazing resources and support systems.
What are you doin’ now?
Join Girls Are Powerful Youth Advisory Board member Jalyn in our first TikTok Challenge!!! What are you doing during COVID-19 to stay safe and take care of your health and well-being?
Follow us on TikTok @girlsarepowerful13 !
Graduate Send Off
Everyone who is graduating this year be it from middle school, high school or college deserves all the love, attention and congratulations they can get! Graduates are completing a truly impressive milestone and they are doing so under incredibly challenging circumstances. Our Youth Advisory Board recognizes this and wants to do something to acknowledge them. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2020 GRADUATES! Each graduate will also be receiving a little box of joy.
Call to Actions issued by Evan, Clare and Jalyn
Middle School to High School
High School and Beyond graduates going to:
Fisk University, Anoka Ramsey Community College, Mankato State University, Dixie State University, and University of Nevada, Las Vegas
College and Beyond graduates graduating from:
Macalester College, Lawrence University, Pomona College, and Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
COVID-19 Community Interviews
Our Youth Advisory Board members put their journalism skills to the test and held short interviews with frontline individuals facing this pandemic. They spoke with a psychiatrist, doctor, teacher, police officer, and a home health aid who have had held interesting and difficult jobs during this time. Check out their interviews!
Interviews conducted by Lizzy and Tamia.
Interview with Captain Brooke Blakey, Metro Transit Police Department
Interview with Caroline Kuria – Psychiatrist Nurse
Interview with Dr. Margot Boigon, Internal Medicine Doctor
Interview with Tyneisha Gary, Home Health Aid
Interview with Vicki Kapaun, Teacher
Challenge Week
We would like to present to you the YAB Challenge Week!!! Each day a member of the Girls are Powerful YAB presented a challenge for you to complete in alignment with the theme of the day.
Me Day – Monday
Together – Tuesday
Workout – Wednesday
Thoughtful – Thursday
Fun – Friday
19 Activities To Do During COVID-19
We’re offering 19 Things to do during COVID-19. Each day we shared 3-5 activities to help us all get through this time. Remember, we are in this together and together we will get through this!
Activities 1 – 10
1. Do some online shopping
2. Meditate
3. Try new hairstyles
4. Call family and friends overseas through WhatsApp! (It’s Free)
5. Mail a birthday, thank you, or thinking of your card to friends/family.
6. Play board games (card games too! i.e. Uno Solitaire, etc.)
7. Take a picture to capture the moment!
8. Have a virtual sleepover with friends and family
9. Try a new art project
10. Give yourself a mani / pedi
Activities 11 – 19
11. Organize something fun!
12. Take an online class
13. Do a Netflix watch party w/ family & friends
14. Explore a new genre of music
15. Take a free virtual tour of a place you want to go!
16. Call your friends (you can you Zoom or Google Hangouts
17. Go on walks with the people you live with
18. Read a book series
19. Learn a new instrument